In the context of structural globalization, there is a sharp transition from industrial to information society, the development of which is directly related to the intensification of information processes, the need to collect, process and transmit huge amounts of information, turning information into goods, usually significant value. The role of informatization processes in the transition to the information society and information economy is determined.
The main trends in the world of information technology and prospects for the use of modern information technology for business management provide an increasing opportunity to optimize and streamline management functions in many enterprises of different scales, both small and medium and business: production, finance,
services, etc. , because it is at enterprises that the products necessary for society are created and highly qualified personnel are concentrated, the most modern integrated information systems and information technologies are used.
The emergence of the World Wide Web, the globalization of the economic space has led to the rapid growth of communication between countries and continents in various spheres of human life, the need to create corporate servers to provide various information about the company in the markets.
Modern information systems and telecommunications technologies are becomingone of the most profitable and fast-growing sectors of the economy. Information is becoming an important production and commercial resource (e-commerce, computer simulation and modeling of processes and events, Internet technology).
Prospects for further research in this direction include the study of applied aspects of the use of information systems and technologies to solve both tactical and strategic tasks of enterprise management.
Keywords: enterprise information systems,
management, accounting tasks, analysis, planning, information technology, economic information