Православна церква - соціальний підприємець. Приклад Румунії та України
The paper analyzes the compatibility between the principles and aims of the social economy, on the one hand, and the ideology of the orthodox church, on the other,the research, carried out in Romania and Ukraine, highlights the fact that social entrepreneurship is a new kind of economic activity combining a social mission, economic efficiency and innovation, and is frequently manifested just as a response from the entrepreneurs to the urgent needs that appeared at a certain moment in society. The conclusion is that the involvement of the Orthodox church in both countries in the economy is very modest, in the circumstances in which it is the majority church, in fact preotient to those who actually get involved in these matters, motivated by their own personality and intellectual formation, by the humanist ideals born out of the desire to help, give effective support to the needy people. Even so, activities such as: integration into the work of low-skilled aperians and personal training services, care, services for the elderly, assistance for certain categories of disadvantaged persons (abused children, refugees, immigrants, etc.) are in the attention of the two orthodox churches