Ключові слова:
organic agriculture, sustainable tourism, rural tourism, agro-tourism, eco-tourism.Анотація
Organic production plays an important societal role, secures a market that responds to the demand for organic products and services and provides the public with products that contribute to the protection of the environment as well as to rural development. The issue of ecological tourism as a tool for socio-economic development in the region - raising the living standards of residents, has been dealt with in a study of ecosystem contexts as a chance for entrepreneurship in sustainable tourism. The aim of the contribution is to point out the urgency of solving the situation and clarifying the basic problems in the given issue, with the view of several domestic and foreign authors based on analysis, synthesis and deduction. The Rio + 20 Conference on Sustainable Development launched an inclusive intergovernmental process for the preparation of sustainable objectives in 2012 where one out of 17 targets also concerns the development of green tourism.Посилання
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